Send Supplier Schedule, Manually


A supplier schedule can be transferred either manually or automatically by EDI to your supplier. This is set up on the supplier schedule agreement. You can choose whether all parts on the agreement should be transferred the same way or if some should be transferred differently. If you wish to send multiple schedules within the same message, use the Transfer Supplier Schedule dialog box. All the supplier schedules in the Released status with the same schedule type, supplier, site, valid from and valid until dates will be put in the same delivery schedule (DELSCH) message if the Merge Messages check box is selected. If the Merge Messages check box is not selected, each supplier schedule will be transferred in a separate message.

Note: A supplier schedule can be transferred even if the approver is blocked for use.


System Effects

The supplier schedule will be transferred by EDI to the desired suppliers.


Transfer Supplier Schedule
Supplier Schedule

Related Window Descriptions

Transfer Supplier Schedule
Supplier Schedule


In the Transfer Supplier Schedule window

  1. To transfer all the existing schedules, leave all the fields blank.
  2. To transfer a specific schedule or a schedule for a specific supplier, indicate the data in the appropriate field.
  3. Click OK to perform the transfer.

In the Supplier Schedule window

  1. Search for the desired schedule.
  2. Use Transfer from the Operations menu in the upper part of the window.
  3. Click OK to confirm the message that appears.