Modify Purchase Charges/Landed Costs


In the Supplier/Purchase/Charges tab, you have the option to define charge costs for a specific supplier. In the Supplier for Purchase Part/Charges tab, you have the option to define charge costs for a supplier for purchase parts. If you are using any of these options, a charge line will be automatically entered when you have entered either a purchase order with the correct supplier or the appropriate combination of purchase part and supplier. In any or both of these cases, you still have the option to modify the entered charge line by altering the amount, distributing the charges in different ways, etc.


System Effects


Purchase Order

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Order
Purchase Order/Charges


  1. Click the Charges tab.
  2. If you want to enter or alter the charge amount, you can do this in either of the Charge Amount/Curr or Charge Amount/Base fields. The amount will be automatically updated in the other column.
  3. If you want the charge to be distributed for all purchase order lines, indicate your choice in the Distribute Charge By field. If the charge is considered a unit charge, the charge does not get distributed and therefore this value must be kept null.
  4. If you want the charge to be connected to a specific purchase order line, indicate this in the Connect to Line No and Connect to Rel No columns.
  5. Optionally, you can alter the values in the Invoicing Supplier, Charged Qty, and Price U/M columns.
  6. The Unit Charge and Intrastat Exempt check boxes will be either selected or cleared based on the default value for the charge type. The value can be changed.
  7. Save when completed.