Enter Price for Part Step Pricing


Use this function to change the price for part step pricing in a supplier agreement. Part step pricing is used when you receive better conditions for purchasing more from the supplier, i.e., if you buy more, you could receive a lower price, a better discount, and/or lower additional costs. If there is a conflict in validity between a line on the supplier agreement and a line in Part Step Pricing/Parts, the line from the part step pricing will be retrieved to the purchase order line.


System Effects


Part Step Pricing

Related Window Descriptions

Part Step Pricing
Part Step Pricing/Steps


  1. Open Part Step Pricing and populate or query for the step pricing you will update. Alternatively, you can select the line in the Supplier Agreement/Parts tab and right-click and then click Part Step Pricing.
  2. Change the price in the Price field for the part lines where the agreed price has been changed.
  3. Save when completed.