Enter included Part Assortment's Price details in Supplier Agreement


Use this function to enter price details for part assortment nodes of the assortment connected to the supplier agreement. Price, discount, additional cost, maximum price quantity or maximum net amount can be specified here for the assortment node and price unit of measure.


System Effects


Supplier Agreement

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Agreement
Supplier Agreement/Part Assortments


  1. Open Supplier Agreement window and populate or query for the appropriate supplier agreement.
  2. Select the Part Assortment tab.
  3. Select assortment node and price UoM from the List of Values.
  4. Enter the agreed price for the node. If you want to specify only the discount and additional cost or maximum amount or maximum quantity and retrieve the price from the parent node then leave the price field null.
  5. Enter the agreed discount and additional cost for the part assortment node. If you want the discount and additional cost be retrieved from its parent node leave these fields null.
  6. If maximum quantity or maximum amount for the parts connected to the current node and parts connected to all of its descendant nodes are agreed, enter that in the Maximum Price Qty field or Maximum Net Amount field.