Change Supplier for Purchase Parts


Use this dialog box when you need to replace a supplier that is connected to a purchase part. This is done by using the Change Supplier for Purchase Parts dialog box. In this dialog box, you indicate the current supplier and the intended supplier. You can also use some selection methods, such as purchase group and purchase parts, in an alphabetical interval. When the data is entered, you can click Count to get information about the number of changes that will occur.


The supplier for purchase part connection must be in Active status for the supplier that will be replaced.

System Effects

When the changes are performed, the connection between the current supplier and the purchase part acquires the Inactive status, whereas the connection between the new supplier and the purchase part acquires the Active status. If no connection between the new supplier and the purchase part existed before the replacement, a new supplier for purchase part record is generated. The price is copied from the old supplier, so you need to check and manually update the prices for the new relationship.


Change Supplier for Parts

Related Window Descriptions

Change Supplier for Parts


  1. The site is automatically indicated. You can change site, either by entering the short code for the desired site or by using the List of Values.
  2. In the From Supplier field, you indicate the current supplier, i.e., the supplier that will be replaced. You can either enter the supplier number or indicate it by using the List of Values.
  3. In the To Supplier field, you indicate the intended supplier, i.e., the supplier that will replace the current supplier. You can either enter the supplier number or indicate it by using the List of Values.
  4. You can click Count to get information about how many changes will occur.
  5. Optionally, you can use a purchase group to sort out the connections that will be updated.
  6. It is also possible to sort out purchase parts, which are connected to this supplier, by alphabetical order. Enter the first key letter(s) in the From Purchase Part field and the second key letter(s) in the To Purchase Part field.
  7. Click OK to start the batch.