Cancel Maintenance Event


This activity is used to cancel a planned or running maintenance event. When an event is in the Incomplete or Under Preparation status, the event can be canceled without any additional validations. However, when the event is in either the Released or Started status, the status of the underlying task cards will be used to determine whether the event can be canceled or not. In such instances, it is only possible to cancel an event if the underlying task cards are in the New, Released, Work Started or Canceled statuses and no transactions have been performed against the task card.


System Effects


Maintenance Order
Manual Maintenance Event

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Event Details
Maintenance Order/Included Events
Manual Maintenance Event
Manual Maintenance Event/Event Details


Use the following procedure to cancel an event on a maintenance order:

  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and query (F3) for the necessary maintenance order.
  2. Click the Maint. Order Str. tab.
  3. In the graphical object structure shown on the left, select the event you want canceled. The Event Details tab will be updated with information on the event.
  4. Right-click, point to Status and then click Cancel.
  5. If the event is in either the Released or Started status, the Cancellation dialog box opens. If the event is in a status other than Released, Started, Work Done or Finished, the event will be canceled directly and you can view the record in the Maintenance Order/Assign Events/Pending Events tab or the Maintenance Order/Assign Events/Convenience Tasks tab.
  6. In the Cause field, enter the cause for cancellation. Click List to select a valid value.
  7. In the Cancellation Comment field, you can register information on the cancellation. Double-clicking on the field will open a text editor where you can enter text in a more convenient fashion. Entering a value in this field is optional. The information entered in this field will be included in the CRS Documentation: Work Canceled report.
  8. Click OK.

Note: It is also possible to cancel an event from the Maintenance Order/Included Events tab and the Manual Maintenance Event window.