Study Demand Driven Execution for Parts


This activity is used to to review open supply orders for buffered parts. The parts are sorted by execution priority, which is calculated as MRP On Hand / Top of Red. To perform a review you should investigate:


The material requirements calculation must have been performed.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Demand Driven Execution for Parts

Related Window Descriptions

Demand Driven Execution for Parts


  1. Open the Demand Driven Execution for Parts window.
  2. Populate the data.
  3. Select a supply order you want to review.
  4. To review the selected order, right-click and then click Supply / Demand Details.
  5. To view action proposals for the part, right-click and then click  Action Proposals.
  6. To study MRP information about the part, right-click and then click MRP Part Information.