Perform Selective Project MRP


This activity is used to run project material requirement planning (project MRP) for a selected set of part(s) or desired low levels. It could be within a single project or within multiple projects. The application creates project MRP planned orders and offers suggestions for planning orders for optimal manufacturing, considering material availability for the selected set of project planned parts.

The supplies and demands will be calculated by selective project MRP based on project connected demands and supplies along with non-standard planned components. Planning methods B, C, N, O, and T are excluded by selective project MRP.


Selective project MRP requires the following general prerequisites:

System Effects

Status Significance
Error Some critical errors have occurred. Selective project MRP stops the process.
Warning A message posted for this process has to be reviewed by the user. This can be done by right-clicking and then clicking View Detail in the Background Jobs window, which displays the posted message in the status information table. If the user decides to continue the selective project MRP process when an error occurs, the system will post a message containing a warning.
Ready The process has been completed successfully without any errors.


Perform Project MRP per Activity
Perform Project MRP per Project PNG
Perform Project MRP per Planned Netting Group

Related Window Descriptions

Perform Project MRP per Activity
Perform Project MRP per Project PNG
Perform Project MRP per Planned Netting Group
Selective Project MRP Run Criteria


Procedure A:

  1. Open the Perform Project MRP per Activity, Perform Project MRP per Project PNG or Perform Project MRP per Planned Netting Group dialog box depending on the way you want to perform selective project MRP.
  2. Your default site appears in the Site field. Enter the site for which you want to run selective project MRP. Use the List of Values to select from the available sites. Entering a value in this field is required.
  3. Enter the ID of the project for which you want to run selective project MRP in the Project ID field. (If you enter the wildcard (%) or leave the field blank, selective project MRP is run for all open projects under the specified site).
  4. In the Planned Netting Group field, enter the ID of the PNG for which you want to run selective project MRP. (If you enter the wildcard (%), the system will process all PNGs belonging to the specified site).
  5. In the Run Date field, enter the date on which you want to run selective project MRP. The current date is used by default.
  6. If you want to stop the selective project MRP process if an error occurs, select the Stop PMRP on Error check box..
  7. If you do not want to create messages for phantom part dependent demands, select the No message for phantom part dependent demand check box.
  8. If you want the selective project MRP process to create safety stock replenishment orders on the selective project MRP run date, select the Plan Safety Stock Receipt on PMRP Run Date check box. If it is not selected, safety stock replenishment orders will be created on the event date itself.
  9. If you want to exclude PPSAs defined in any PNG when performing selective project MRP (not multiproject MRP) and when using the Perform Project MRP per Activity dialog box, you have the option of selecting the Exclude PPSAs grouped under any PNG check box.
  10. If you want to start selective MRP after selective project MRP is completed, select the Start MRP Process once PMRP is completed check box.
  11. Select the Run Integrated with CRP check box in order to use the CRP backward scheduling logic to schedule the shop order requisitions generated from the process. If the Run Integrated with CRP check box is selected, CRP backward scheduling logic will be used to schedule shop order requisitions generated from the process. As a result, the start date of the requisitions/receipts generated will be more accurate.
  12. If you want to get the default values defined by the administrator in the Database Tasks window, click Default.
  13. To perform a selective project MRP, click Selection and open Selective Project MRP Run Criteria dialog box. Selective project MRP will enable you to run project MRP for the selected set of parts from the site specified in step 2. Use this dialog box to specify the selection criteria. You can use wildcard characters in these fields. If you enter multiple selection criteria, parts that fulfill all the conditions will be selected to run the selective project MRP. If you want to run selective project MRP for low levels (for example 3) then use 3 in low level code field and run project MRP. Then analyze the results and do the necessary adjustments to level 3 results. Run project MRP for low level 3..4 (entering 3..4 in low level code field) again to plan the next level and continue the process up to the level you want.

    Note: It is advisable to perform selective project MRP for low levels without any other selection criteria. For example, even though running selective MRP for low level code n..n+1 only for the product family PF1 will yield correct results, but result would look like confusing. So planner has to be cautious when analyzing the results.
  14. Click OK.

Procedure B:

  1. Open the Perform Project MRP per Activity, Perform Project MRP per Project PNG or Perform Project MRP per Planned Netting Group dialog box.
  2. To perform a selective project MRP, click Selection and open Selective Project MRP Run Criteria dialog box. Selective project MRP will enable you to run project MRP for the selected set of parts from the site specified in step 2. Use this dialog box to specify the selection criteria. You can use wildcard characters in these fields. If you enter multiple selection criteria, parts that fulfill all the conditions will be selected to run the selective project MRP. If you want to run selective project MRP for low levels (for example 3) then use 3 in low level code field and run project MRP. Then analyze the results and do the necessary adjustments to level 3 results. Run project MRP for low level 3..4 (entering 3..4 in low level code field) again to plan the next level and continue the process up to the level you want.
  3. Click Schedule to open the New Database Task Schedule window.
  4. Set the required scheduling parameters and save. Scheduled tasks can be seen in the Scheduled Database Tasks window.

Note: If the corresponding inventory part is a project master schedule planned part, then selective project MRP will not plan the part and components. First you need to run master scheduling and then right-click and execute Run Project MRP for components from MS Level 1 window.