Multi-Company Project Reporting Employee Link Setup

[About Multi-Company Project Reporting] [To Project Reporting]


When an employee of the employee company reports time to an employee company activity, and if there is a master employment for the same person in the customer company as well then that employee ID will be used to create the customer company transactions. If there is more than one employment and no master employment in the customer company for the employee then the employee ID to be used for the customer company transaction should be indicated by the adding the employee in this window.

If there is no employment in the customer company for the same person and if the customer company MCCREATEMP property code is set to True, then this window will be updated automatically the first time an employee reports time by creating an employee in the customer company.

The value set for the MCEMFORMAT property code will decide the format of the customer company employee ID. If it is set to Existing the new customer company employee ID will be the existing employee company ID. If it is set to Sequence a completely new number based on the specified number for the employee ID.

It is also possible to create and link an employee in the customer company by generating an EMP ID using the same window.

Activity Diagrams

Register Multi-Company Project Reporting Basic Data


Define Employee Link Information