Create Budget Consolidation Information - Subsidiary


Use this activity to create budget consolidation information in the subsidiary. The budget consolidation routine starts in the subsidiary where consolidation information is created. The information is saved either in the same database or in a file that can be transferred to another database. Consolidation of budget balances usually takes place annually but can also occur more often.


Before creating budget consolidation information for the subsidiary, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of the creation of the consolidation information in the subsidiary, you can view information on the transfer in the Subsidiary Consolidations window. There is a line with a unique identity in the Transfer ID field, and the Budget Transferred check box is selected. You can select the line and then select the Details operation to see what is included in the consolidation.

After the budget consolidation is performed in the subsidiary, it can be retrieved by the parent company. The parent company can then perform currency re-calculations if the subsidiary company and the parent company keep accounts in different currencies.


Subsidiary Consolidations

Related Window Descriptions

Start Subsidiary Budget Consolidation


Use the following procedure to start the budget consolidation in the subsidiary:

  1. Change to the subsidiary.
  2. Open the Subsidiary Consolidations window.
  3. Select the Start Subsidiary Budget Consolidation operation.
  4. The parent company’s ID is shown in the Parent Company field, and Table is checked.
  5. Enter Budget Year and Budget Version by using the List of Values.
  6. Select File if the consolidation is to be stored in a file for transfer to another database. In this case, the file name is displayed automatically in the field on the right.
  7. Select the Include Statistical Accounts and Quantities check box if the consolidation is to include statistical and quantity accounts.
  8. Confirm the information. A confirmation message appears when the transfer is complete.

NB! The balance consolidation can also be started from IFS Navigator.