Specify Distribution


This activity is used to specify distributions for a selected cost allocation procedure. A distribution is a list of code strings created on the basis of selected code parts. Each distribution belongs to one specific procedure.  


In order to perform this activity, a cost allocation procedure should exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a distribution of the Defined status is created in the system and it will be possible to enter distribution items for it.


PCA Distributions

Related Window Descriptions

Distribution, Distribution Items


To specify a distribution:

  1. Open the PCA Distributions window and search for the procedure for which you want to specify a distribution. (You can also open the PCA Distributions window by right-clicking in the Cost Allocation Procedures window.)
  2. Create a new record in the table.
  3. Enter an ID and a description for the new distribution in the Distribution ID and Description fields.
  4. Select a value for the Distribution Type field to specify a distribution type to which the new distribution should belong.
  5. Select at least one code part, i.e. the code part(s) which the distribution should be based on.
  6. Save the information.