Show Balances Selected by Step Details


This activity is used to view the balances which will be selected by step details of a cost allocation procedure.


In order to perform this activity, a cost allocation procedure with the following attributes should exist.

System Effects



PCA Step Definition

Related Window Descriptions

PCA Step Definition
Definition of Step Details
Balances Selected by Step Details


To view balances selected by step details:

  1. Open the PCA Step Definition window and search for the cost allocation procedure for which you want to view balances selected by step details.
  2. Select the relevant step, right-click and then click Detailed Definition  to open the Definition of Step Details window.
  3. Select the step item for which you want to view the balances, right-click and then click Show Balances Selected by Step Details to open the Balances Selected by Step Details window where the required information is displayed. (Note: The  Balances Selected by Step Details window can also be opened by right-clicking in the header of the Step Details Specification window.)