Post Profit or Loss


Use this activity to enter a voucher for the profit or loss.


The profit or loss must be calculated. 

System Effects

As a result of this activity a manual voucher is created and placed in the hold table.


Voucher Entry

Related Window Descriptions

Voucher Entry


Use the following procedure to enter a manual voucher:

  1. Open the  Voucher Entry window. A voucher is divided into two parts - the voucher header and voucher lines. Operations available depend upon the part of the window where the cursor is placed.
  2. With the cursor is in the voucher header, click New. Default values for the voucher date, voucher type, and voucher status are displayed. Change these values if necessary.
  3. Move the cursor to the voucher lines, then click New to enter each new voucher line. (You can also double-click to the left on the line.) Specify the account information for the voucher line. Amounts entered are normally in the currency displayed in the Currency Code field. Use one of the following fields for entering the amount: Debit Currency Amount, Credit Currency Amount, or Currency Amount. In the Currency Amount field, a credit amount is entered preceded by a minus sign (-). The amount is then displayed automatically in either the Debit Amount and Amount fields or in the Credit Amount and Amount fields.
  4. Finally, save the information. Vouchers are stored in a hold table to be updated to the general ledger. You can modify the voucher as long as it remains in the hold table.