Create Period Profit/Loss Vouchers


Use this window to create and post Period Profit/Loss Vouchers for a single company or multiple companies. When creating and posting period profit/loss it is possible to include both General Ledger and Internal Ledger. It is possible to reverse the manual vouchers created in Period Profit/Loss Voucher creation.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

Profit/Loss Vouchers are created and posted for the selected period. If selected, also reversal vouchers are created for the next period.


Create Period Profit/Loss Vouchers

Related Window Descriptions

Create Period Profit/Loss Vouchers


To create period Profit/Loss Vouchers:

  1. Open Create Period Profit/Loss dialog.
  2. Enter the Accounting Year and Accounting Period for the period profit/loss should be created for.
  3. Select radio button Company or Company Group and enter the Company ID or Company Group in the from and to fields for the selected options.
  4. Select to include General Ledger and/or Internal Ledger in the creation by selecting the checkbox General Ledger and/or Internal Ledger.
  5. If no reversal voucher should be created, select the checkbox No Reversal Vouchers. The reversal vouchers are created in the period after the selection made in field Accounting Period.
  6. The result of the selection made is displayed in the table.
  7. If any of the General Ledger and/or Internal Ledger which are generated should not be included in the creation, un-check the checkbox Include Ledger.
  8. Select the Include Simulation Balances checkbox if simulation balances should be included in the calculation of period profit/loss.
  9. Each General Ledger and Internal Ledger generated should have a User Group and a Voucher Type.
  10. Press OK.