Copy Distribution


This activity is used to copy distributions from one procedure to another. Copying distributions that already exist is facilitated since distribution identities in all the procedures are usually similar for all periods.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the selected distribution is copied to the procedure. The information for the distribution can then be changed manually. The type of the original distribution determines the status of the new distribution and the attributes copied.

Type of the Original Distribution Description
Automatic Distributions of this type are copied without the distribution items. The new distribution receives the Defined status.
Manual Distributions of this type are copied without the distribution items. The new distribution receives the Defined status.
Constant Distributions of this type are copied with the distribution items. If the status of the source distribution is Defined at the time it is copied, the new distribution is created with the Defined status. If not, the status of the new distribution will be Prepared.
Template Distributions of this type are copied with the distribution items. However, the values in the Amount and Percent fields are not copied. The new distribution receives the Defined status.


Cost Allocation Procedures
PCA Distributions

Related Window Descriptions

Cost Allocation Procedure
PCA Distributions
Copy Distribution


To copy a distribution:

  1. Open the Cost Allocation Procedures window and search for the procedure from which you want to copy distributions. (The Copy Distributions dialog box can also be opened by right-clicking in the PCA Distributions window.)
  2. Select the procedure, right-click and then click Copy Distributions to open the Copy Distributions dialog box.
  3. Select the allocation type for the procedure to which the distributions should be copied.
  4. Enter appropriate values in the Company, Accounting Period, Ledger and Ledger ID fields in order to identify the procedure to which the distributions should be copied.
  5. If the allocation type you selected for the destination procedure is Budget, enter relevant values in the Source Budget and Destination Budget fields. The List of Values can be used to select appropriate values.
  6. Select either the Add or Replace to specify whether the distributions should replace the existing distributions in the destination procedure or added as new distributions.
  7. Click OK to save the information.