Run Automatic Matching


Use this activity to automatically match one or more debit transactions with one or more credit transactions from the same account. Select attributes that should be applied when performing automatic transaction matching.


Transactions with debit and credit amounts for the selected account must exist in the general ledger. The transactions have to be balanced for the final matching, i.e. the debit amount of all matched transactions has to be equal to the credit amount of all matched transactions. If the total is not balanced, the transactions can still be saved temporarily.

System Effects

When the debit and the credit lines are matched, these matched lines will update with Automatic Matching Number and Matching information. You can view them in the Account Matching window.


Automatic Matching

Related Window Descriptions

Automatic Matching


  1. Open the Accounts for Automatic Matching window.
  2. Select the account for which you want to perform automatic matching, right-click, and select Automatic Matching.
  3. The Automatic Matching dialog box will be displayed.
  4. Enter a date pr period.
  5. Select relevant matching attribute i.e. Invoice Identity and Purchase Order Number.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog box.
  7. The matching will be carried our as a background job.
  8. The automatically matched transactions and unmatched transactions for the selected account up to and including the specified date are displayed in the Account Matching window.