Setup SAF-T Audit File Basic Data


Use this activity to setup basic data for the creation of SAF-T XML file.


To navigate to this window, an audit country must be defined with the report type SAF-T.

System Effects

Based on this setup, the SAF-T XML will be generated.


Audit Formats

Audit File Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Audit Interface Assistant
Audit File Basic Data


Use the following procedure to setup the Basic Data;

  1. Click New in the Header, some fields will be automatically populated. The automatically populated fields are editable allowing changes if required.
  2. Specify the Tax Accounting Basis from the List-of-Values. These are pre defined via the Audit File Tax Info window.
  3. Select the desired Reporting Currency from the drop-down menu to setup the currency based on which the report will be generated.
  4. Add a header comment, if needed.
  5. Check Include Source Documents check box; if it is needed to include the source documents in the XML file.
  6. Add the Contact Person details as required.
  7. Click Save and go to Standard Audit Code Mappings tab.
  8. Connect the ‘Code Part Attribute’ from the List-of-Values, setup for standard account mapping.
  9. Then connect the Standard Tax Codes and Tax Exemption Reason IDs as needed via the List-of-Values. The Standard Tax Codes and the Tax Exemption Reason IDs are defined in the Audit File Tax Info window.
  10. Click Save once you finish.