Reminder Proposal Details

[To Customer Credit Management]


Use this window to view payers and invoices included in the reminder proposals. In Reminder Proposal Details, each line shows a unique combination of payer, reminder template, and currency. If a payer is deleted, all invoices linked to the proposal are automatically deleted. You can still see the payer and the invoices, but their status is now Excluded. The total amount due per payer, reminder template and currency  will be included in the reminder printout and the total which will be excluded from the reminder printout. Excluded payers are not printed in reminders and are not updated to statistical information about reminder proposals and reminders when the printout of payment reminders is ordered. Invoices and prepayments can be set automatically to excluded depending on the exclude parameters of the reminder template when the proposal is loaded. An exclude reason is attached to such items in the proposal and the payer is indicated in this window that at least one item with exclude reason exist.

Activity Diagrams

          Create and Print Reminder