Material Demands from PM Actions

Materials required can be connected to PM actions by creating a line with necessary part and quantity in the Work list/Materials tab of the PM Action windows. It is possible to configure the system to automatically create demands from the PM actions so that purchase orders can be created and in that way make sure the material will arrive in time to carry out the work for the work order.

Demands from Inventory Parts

An inventory part (serialized or non-serialized) can be added to a PM action. Inventory part demands created from the PM action's maintenance plan lines are available to be queried from the Inventory Part Availability Planning window. When publishing the material demands only the lines with the value of Generatable set to Yes are considered. In the Inventory Part Availability Planning window the demand lines are displayed in the All tab with the Type set to PM Action. Due dates are set to the planned dates of the maintenance plan lines.

The Inventory Part Demand Published check box in the Maintenance Plan tab in the PM Action windows indicates whether the maintenance plan lines are transferred to the Inventory Part Availability Planning window or not. If a PM action is to be replaced by another PM action, the material demand of the PM action to be replaced is not available for the Inventory Part Availability Planning and the checkbox is thus not checked for these lines.

The demand lines exist with the type PM Action until the work order is created. When a work order is generated from a maintenance plan line, the maintenance material requisition/material order of the work order is released and demands are transferred to the generated work order.

Demands are created for all maintenance plan lines set to be generatable. Demands are created from the first line in the maintenance plan up to the inventory part demand horizon. This is set in the Site/Maintenance tab for the object property PM Inventory Part Demand Horizon and is calculated from the system date.

Demands from Non-Inventory Parts

It is possible to automatically create purchase requisitions for non-inventory material on a PM action so that the material can arrive in time to carry out the work for a work order. The purchase requisitions are created automatically by the scheduled database task Create purchase demands for non-inventory parts on PM actions that needs to be configured to run daily. This task checks the necessity of creating purchase requisitions which needs to be created as demands for PM actions.

If the total of system date, total lead time of the non-inventory part, and the value of internal time for handling the purchase (entered in the System Definition window for the property name PM_NONINV_LEAD_TIME) equals a planned date in the maintenance plan of an active PM, then the scheduled database task creates purchase requisitions and purchase requisition lines to create the demands for the non-inventory parts.

If there are multiple parts added to the PM action the part with the longest lead time will be considered when the scheduled task is run. It creates a purchase requisition and purchase requisition lines with latest order dates calculated according to the lead times of the parts. If non-inventory parts from two or more different sites (of the same company) has been added as material, the scheduled task will create one purchase requisition per site.

Maintenance plan lines for which work orders are generated or lines with the value of Generatable set to No are not considered for purchase requisition generation when the scheduled task is run. If a PM action is to be replaced by another PM action, purchase requisitions are also not created.

Purchase requisitions are created with the Requisitioner set as PM.