Analyze APQ Goal Deviation Chart


Use this activity to determine the difference in percentage between the defined A (availability), P (performance), Q (quality) figures and calculated APQ goal values and their actual values using the APQ Goal Deviation Chart view.

  1. In this chart the goal reference is defined as a zero level, i.e., a negative difference indicates that the actual value is below the set goal.
  2. You can hide/unhide one or more dotted lines as per your requirements. By default, the APQ line is displayed while the other lines are set hidden.
  3. Average lines and/or trend lines can be displayed in the graph by selecting the relevant right mouse button option.
  4. Standard features such as Zoom and Search can be used on the graph.
  5. You can view information for all events, OEE loss events as well as registered goals by selecting the relevant right mouse button option.
  6. The Start and Stop markers in the graph represent the specified period of time that is to be analyzed. Note: In order to have the lines in the graph cross these two markers, an extra dot (node) is included outside the specified time period.

The figures for average lines or trend lines are calculated with due consideration of the defined goal reference. If the lines are below zero in the graph, the actual values are below the specified goal values. At such instances, the average value in the graph cannot be compared to the average value in the status section.

The lower section of the APQ Analysis window is common for all three views, with a filter section to the left and a status section to the right.

(a) In the filter section you can choose the time period to be analyzed and the interval between the dots (nodes) of each line. You can also enter data when filtering, so as to, only include the parts you want.

(b) In the status section you can view information on the calculated average figures for A, P, Q, and APQ for the chosen time period. Information on the quantity produced and the quantity scrapped during this time period is also specified. Additional information on the production key figures and production stop figures can be viewed in the Extended OEE Analysis window.



System Effects

The actual figures for A, P, Q, and APQ can be compared with the specified goal values to determine the effectiveness of a production unit.

Related Window Descriptions

APQ Analysis


  1. Find the required production unit from the Overall Equipment Effectiveness navigator and expand it. A list of windows used for analysis of the production unit will be shown. Click APQ Analysis. The APQ Analysis window opens.
  2. Locate the chart view list in the upper right corner of the window and select APQ Goal Deviation Chart. The APQ Goal Deviation Chart window opens.
  3. Use the available filter options to specify the time period that is to be analyzed in the graph, e.g., 30 Days.
  4. Use the available filter options to specify the data you want shown in the graph, e.g., product qualities.
  5. Once all values to be filtered on are given (or modified), click Refresh to update the graph.
  6. To the right of the window you will find several attributes that are used in the graph. Click on the icon associated with the attribute you want displayed or hidden in the graph.
  7. To include an average or trend line for an area in the graph, right-click on a dot (node) in the line, and then click Show Average or Show Trend.
  8. You can also view or add a moving average for a specified number of days. Right-click on a dot (node) in the line, and then click Show Moving Averages or Add Moving Average.
  9. To Zoom In, click the graph and hold down the left mouse button while drawing a square around the section that is to be enlarged. Once the square is drawn release the left mouse button. A yellow button Click to Zoom will now appear. Click this button to change the zoom level.
  10. To Zoom Out, right-click on the graph, and then click Zoom Back to zoom out one level OR right-click and click Full View to display the original graph size.
  11. If you want to copy the graph to the clipboard, right-click on the graph, and then click Copy to Clipboard.
  12. You can also choose to display only a particular section of the graph, if necessary. To do so, right-click on the graph, and then click Preview Pane. The Preview Pane dialog box opens. Adjust the red square to show the section you want displayed.
  13. To view information on all events reported within the chosen period of time, right-click on the graph, and then click Show All Events.
  14. To view information on all reported events that have caused losses within the chosen period of time. right-click on the graph, and then click View OEE Loss Events.
  15. To view information on the goals registered for the production unit, right-click on the graph, and then click Show Goals.
  16. In the lower right section of the window you can view information on the current status of figures for the production unit within the chosen period of time.
  17. Click See more (in the lower right section) if you want to view additional information on the production key figures as well as production stop figures. The Extended OEE Analysis opens with the information.