Sales Part/Descriptions, Non-Inventory Sales Part/Descriptions and Package Part/Descriptions

[To Manage Sales Quotation] [To Manage Customer Order] [To Follow-up and Analysis, Sales] [To Sales, Service Management] [To Sales, Customer Scheduling]


Use this tab to enter the description of the sales part in a specific language. If the part may be sold to different customers, a foreign language description may be maintained. If the language description exists for the language code defined for the customer, it will be selected automatically to be printed on customer order documents. This implies that the translated description will first be retrieved to e.g. the customer order line, and thereafter used when printing the customer order. The tab also displays the sales part and the part catalog description, and Use part catalog description as description for sales part check box which indicates if the part catalog description is used or not. It is possible to edit the sales part description.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Maintain Sales Part
Create and Maintain Package Part


Enter language description