Sales Part/Charges
Non-Inventory Sales Part/Charges
Package Part/Charges

[To Manage Sales Quotation] [To Manage Customer Order] [To Follow-up and Analysis, Sales]


Use this tab to connect default charges to sales parts, non-inventory sales parts, and package parts. A charge type is used to enter various information that should be connected to a specific charge. Examples of different charges are freight charges and the cost for an extra quality control ordered by the customer. By connecting a charge type to one of these parts, you will not have to enter a new charge line each time a customer order or sales quotation is created. The information entered will be used as default values when entering an order or quotation line. If the charge is connected to a customer, then the charge information will be used by default only for that particular customer.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Maintain Sales Part
Create and Maintain Package Part


Enter sales/non-inventory sales/ package part charges