
[To Handle Inventory]


Use this tab to enter assortments for which you can limit the sale of parts to the customer. If you have one or more assortments for which the limit sales to assortment check box is marked, the sales to this customer will be restricted to the active sales parts that are connected to these assortments. The validation of limiting sales parts by assortments only takes place when creating customer order lines. For Sales quotations, business opportunities, customer agreements, price lists etc. that include explicit or implicit connections between sales parts and customers are not considered. The validation also does not apply in scenarios where the customer order line is not really focusing a sales transaction, for example for external service orders, exchange orders and distribution orders.
You can also use this tab to enter more than one classification standard to a customer. The classification standard defined first is set as the default one automatically. It is possible to change the default to another classification standard.

Activity Diagrams

Define Assortment and Part Defaults
Site Cluster Setup
Distribute New Parts and Master Data
