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Use this window to plan and execute a campaign. A campaign is a marketing activity, usually involving all retail outlets of a company, where special rates are offered for certain products, to all the customers for a given period of time. All information related to the campaign, such as the time period, products offered, etc. are communicated to the customers in advance.  
It is also possible to create required supplier agreements and distribution allocations using this window. It is not possible to create supplier agreements for parts and assortments used in sales promotion.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Parts, Assortment, Sales Promotions, Valid for Sites, Valid for Customers, Allocation Plan, Follow Up, History, Supplier Agreement.

Activity Diagrams

Manage Campaigns


Enter Campaign Header and General Terms
Activate Campaign
Create Supplier Agreement
Create Allocation
Close Campaign
Plan Campaign
Add Sales Promotion to Campaign
Add Parts to Campaign
Add Assortment Nodes to Campaign