Interim Demand Header

[About Interim Demand Structures] [About Condition Codes] [About Part Ownership]

[To MFG Standards]


Use this window and its tabs to create and maintain an interim demand. An interim demand head represents the top of an interim demand structure. It is a temporary holding place for an independent demand that is either simulated or not to be immediately executed. This window allows you to define the demand in terms of the part's quantity and required date, identify a configuration specification if necessary, and then evaluate the manufacturing requirements. A graphical outline window displays the resulting set of pegged component orders, multi-level if necessary, and their associated operations and/or work guidelines.

If you are using condition code functionality, the condition codes on the Interim Demand Head, Interim Demand Orders, and Interim Order Components will be passed on the the supply orders (shop orders, DOP, purchase orders) and demand records (shop order material and DOP). There is no impact on rule evaluation.

If you are using the owner code functionality and you specify the Customer Owned ownership type, only one owning customer will be allowed for all levels of a given interim demand head. An error message will appear if you try to specify more than one owning customer.

An interim demand can be used in a variety of ways:

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Tree Structure, Detail, Result Log.

Activity Diagrams

Evaluate part configuration setup using interim order


Create interim demand header
Evaluate rules
Calculate interim demand cost
Save standard cost for configured parts
Maintain interim demand header
Convert interim demand structure to DOP
View Configuration
Edit Configuration
Create Configuration