Generate an Operational Event


This activity is used to assign a serial part to operational events within an operational plan. You can change to a vehicle with a different product and model number than the one required for the operational plan item even if the product and model number of the operational plan item is suggested.


An operational plan must have been created and completed.

System Effects

Serials are assigned to operational events within an operational plan.


Operational Planning

Related Window Descriptions

Generate Events 
Operational Planning 
Operational Planning/Assign Vehicles and Crew   
Operational Planning/Define Vehicle Models


  1. Open the Operational Planning window and query (F3) for your operational plan. 
  2. Click the Assign Vehicle and Crew tab. 
  3. Select a row in the upper table, right click and select Generate Events, and a dialog box opens.
  4. Enter the part number of the vehicle in the Part No field. You also can use the List of Values to select the part number of the vehicle. Note: The values available on the List of Values depends on the values entered in the Product No and Model No fields.
  5. Enter the serial number of the vehicle in the Serial No field. You also can use the List of Values to select a suitable value. Note: The values available on the List of Values depends on the values entered in the Product No, Model No, and Part No fields. The serial must not be connected to other operations or interval maintenance within the applicable time frame.
  6. The field Item No will have a value, but you can manually change it if desired. You also can use the List of Values to select a suitable value. Note: The values available on the List of Values depends on the items defined in Operational Planning/Define Vehicle Models tab.
  7. The field Product No will have a value, but you can manually change it if desired. You also can use the List of Values to select a suitable value. 
  8. The field Model No will have a value, but you can manually change it if desired. You also can use the List of Values to select a suitable value. Note: The values available on the List of Values depends on the product selected in the Product No field.
  9. Click OK.