Change Vehicle Condition


This activity is used to change the current vehicle condition of a vehicle serial. When you have reported a critical fault or performed a condition measurement that has led to a pending maintenance event, you may want to change the current vehicle condition. Depending on how the system is set up, the vehicle condition can be changed automatically as part of different system events. The vehicle condition can also be set manually.

When the vehicle condition for a vehicle is changed a history record will be created. History records are also created after maintenance events are assigned and completed. When the operational condition of a vehicle is set to Operational or Non Operational, the vehicle will automatically be updated with the vehicle condition according to the values entered in the Serial Basic Data/Vehicle Condition tab. The vehicle condition is usually changed after events are assigned and completed. If the vehicle condition is updated manually, the operational condition for the vehicle can be changed along with it. If the operational condition is changed from Non Operational to Operational, the system validates the serial (e.g., checks template structures and ensures there is a minimum configuration, checks for missing serial numbers, checks for overdue Mandatory modifications) before setting the serial to the Operational status.


System Effects


Serial Structure Information
Serial Operational Information

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Information/Vehicle
Serial Operational Information

Change Vehicle Condition


Follow this procedure to change the current vehicle condition of a vehicle serial in the Serial Structure Information window. You can also perform this procedure in the Serial Operational Information window.

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window and query (F3) for the necessary vehicle serial.
  2. Click the Vehicle tab. 
  3. Right-click and click Change Vehicle Condition. The Change Vehicle Condition dialog box opens.
  4. In the Vehicle Condition field, enter the new vehicle condition. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  5. In the Condition Date field, enter the date and time the vehicle condition is to be changed. The default value is set to today's date (i.e., system date). Note that the value entered in this field is essential for later statistics on the vehicle condition.
  6. In the Mx Event Type field, enter the event type that caused the change of vehicle condition.
  7. In the Description field, you can enter information on why the change of vehicle condition is being performed.
  8. In the Oper Condition field, you can enter the new operational condition of the vehicle serial, if needed. Note that the configuration of the vehicle serial must be complete before the vehicle can be set to the Operational status.
  9. Click OK.