Define Production Units

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Use this window to view or define production units. A production unit can be a sub-division of a plant, e.g., a production group. A production unit can also be defined for the purpose of comparing machines of a similar function from different production lines. Overall, the production units feature can be used to divide the equipment in a facility for the purpose of better management.

Assign a follow up type to the new production unit. With these follow up types you can define if the production unit is to be used (a) for analyzing purposes (b) as a container in which several other production units are included (c) not to be used in the system at all, which means that you choose to make this production unit invisible in the OEE navigator.

You have the option of connecting an existing group ID to your production unit. The purpose of this connection is to limit the number of allowed equipment objects which can be used when saving different types of events. Groups are defined in IFS/Equipment (Equipment Basic Data/Groups).

Activity Diagrams

Define OEE General Data


Define Production Units