Define Loss Causes

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Use this window to view or define loss causes.

Loss causes are used to identify: the reason a particular production unit stopped, why a scrapping was made, and the cause for receiving a lower production rate than expected. For this reason, loss causes are connected to each stop, scrap or production rate event that occurs. When this connection is established, it eases the task of analyzing such events at a later stage. This analysis is of use when you want to find a solution to increase the APQ value and thereby the number of produced goods which are of an acceptable quantity.

In order to make your analysis more efficient you can connect a loss cause to an existing loss cause group. Loss cause groups are defined in the Define Loss Cause Groups window (Menu path: Setup OEE/Define Loss Cause Groups). For more information on loss cause groups, refer the online help file: Define Loss Cause Groups.

You can also connect a loss cause to one or more production units. Note: When reporting a new event, you can only make use of the loss causes that are currently connected to the required production unit. However, it will be possible to make use of all loss causes when analyzing a certain production unit, regardless of the state of the connection between the production unit and loss cause.

Activity Diagrams

Define OEE General Data


Define Loss Causes
Connect Production Units and Loss Causes