Define Event Types

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Use this window to define event types. This window consists of two sections: the upper table in the window is used to define stop event types, and the lower table is used to define log event types.

When defining stop events, you must connect an existing system stop event type to the new stop event. Likewise, during the definition of a log event, an existing system log event type must be connected to the new log event.

The following table shows all valid system stop event types and log event types:

Stop Event
System Stop Event Type Description
Line Failure This system stop event type is used when calculating availability within APQ. A stop of this kind is shown in Red in production rate charts.
No Production Loss This system stop event type is used to register events that have not caused any production loss and thereby should not be included in any APQ calculation. However, these events still require action by the production - or maintenance personnel.
Planned Stop This system stop event type can be registered in advance with the purpose of planning future production unit stops. When these planned stops occur, it will be displayed as Red stops in production rate charts, and calculated against the availability within APQ.
Production Halted The time registered on a stop which is connected to this system stop event type is deducted from the total nominal runtime, e.g., all APQ calculations are performed on nominal runtime minus (-) the time registered on a Production Halted event. A stop of this kind is shown in Black in production rate charts.
Short Stop This system stop event type is used when calculating the performance within APQ. A stop of this kind is shown in Red in production rate charts.
Unplanned Stop This system stop event type is used when calculating the availability within APQ. A stop of this kind is shown in Red in production rate charts.
Log Event
System Log Event Type Description
Log Bulletin This system log event type is used to convey specific production unit information which is also specified in time. This can be information for reduced speed instructions due to fluctuation in the structure of raw material.
Log Note This system log event type is used to enter non-object connected information that for instance, a production personnel wants conveyed to the next shift.
Log Marker This system log event type is used to mark the time a specific action took place. Log markers can be used during the APQ analysis to identify if, for instance, a specific action (e.g., a process change or the rebuild of a machine) had a positive effect on the APQ value or not.

Note: Only the stop event types that are set to Active can be used when registering new stop events. However, it will be possible to use all stop events when you want to perform an analysis, for instance, on why a stop occurred within your production unit.

Similarly, when registering a new log event, you can only make use of the log event types that are set to Active.

Activity Diagrams

Define OEE General Data


Define Stop Event Type
Define Log Event Type