
[About Schedule Work Tasks with PSO] [About Appointment Booking with PSO] [About Service Contract] [About Service Request] [About Service Request Created] [To Equipment Administration] [To Work Order Execution] [To Work Order Planning] [To Service Contract] [To Create Service Requests


Use this window to define location addresses per party (such as Customer, Supplier, Contactor, Owner, Employee and Company).

It is possible to enter new addresses to the location or fetch existing addresses connected to parties using the right mouse button menu item Retrieve Address from Party. An address must be defined as visit address and/or delivery address. A primary visit/delivery address per party can be defined for the location. The primary address can be changed over time for the location. Locations can be connected to equipment objects. Service requests/work orders inherit the location from the equipment and the corresponding primary visit address from the location.

One address per location can be used as the position address. The map position for the location is retrieved automatically when setting the position address. This map position is inherited to connected equipment and service requests.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for PSO Integration
Define Location for Service Management


Define Location
Retrieve Location Map Position