MRP Action Proposals | MRP Part Information/Action Proposals | MRP Action Proposals Workbench/Manufactured Parts | MRP Action Proposals Workbench/Purchased Parts

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Use this window/tab to view action proposals from MRP. When you view the MRP action proposals via the Action proposals tab on the MRP Part information window, you can only view the action proposals with regard to a particular MRP part number whereas via the MRP Action Proposals window you can view all action proposals from MRP. Action proposals cover both purchase and shop orders. The MRP Action Proposals Workbench window displays the manufactured and purchased part information in separate tabs.

Activity Diagrams

Perform MRP


Study MRP Action Proposals
Follow up MRP Action Messages
Reschedule Early/Late Orders According to the MRP Due Date
View Next/Previous Level
Perform MRP for Part
Perform Project MRP for Part