MRO Interim Order Structure/Disconnected Repair Orders

[About Interim Demand Structures] [About CAMRO Interim Order Structures]

[To CAMRO/CRO Handle Order Structure]


Use this tab to view the repair interim orders that are not linked as supply to another assembly interim order. A repair order may be disconnected as a result of a disposition action or may be manually disconnected by a user.

Typically a repair interim order will be disconnected when the corresponding repair supply shop order cannot be finished in time to provide the part to the assembly order. The user will then typically need to supply the assembly order from elsewhere, possibly from inventory, and use the disconnected repair order to replace what was taken out of inventory.

Once a repair interim order has been disconnected, typically the user will want to reschedule the supply shop orders and then update dates from supply to update the scheduled start and finish date fields on the interim orders in the order structure from the corresponding shop orders.

Activity Diagrams

Handle order structure


Disconnect MRO interim order from parent