MRO Interim Order Structure/Alarms

[About Interim Demand Structures] [About CAMRO Interim Order Structures]

[To CAMRO/CRO Handle Order Structure]


Use this tab to view alarms that have been generated for the interim demand header record. An alarm is created for an interim order when the supply date or scheduled finish date is later than the start date or scheduled start date for the next interim order.

You can also evaluate the impact of changing the start or supply dates for an interim order at any level in the order structure by generating alarms. Alarms, which are generated for each affected interim order, alert you when an interim order cannot be started or finished in time, either because one or more orders feeding into the order will not finish on time or because the order itself has insufficient time to complete its operations. 

Note that a disassembly order date change will impact only the next interim order in the chain (either a disassembly or disposition interim order). It cannot impact more deeply nested disassembly and disposition interim orders or repair or assembly interim orders. Similarly, a disposition order date change can impact only the next interim order in the chain (either a repair order or an assembly order). It cannot impact assembly or repair interim orders further up the chain. 

On the assembly side, a date change to a repair or assembly interim order will impact the assembly order that order feeds. It cannot affect other assembly orders further up the chain. 

After taking action to resolve alarm conditions, you can indicate that an alarm is resolved by right-clicking in the Alarms tab and then clicking Resolve Alarm.

Activity Diagrams

Handle order structure


Resolve alarm