Switch to Simulation Mode

This activity is used to switch Maintenance Planning Board (MPB) to Simulation mode from scheduling mode.

When MPB is started, the mode it works is scheduling by default. i.e. users are able to save back the schedule to the database but are not able to simulate within the MPB by creating scheduling objects ( work orders, persons, etc) within the MPB client. If you want to create new scheduling objects and run "what if" analysis, then you need to set application run mode to simulation mode.


MPB has to be up and running in scheduling mode.

System Effects

MPB will be switched to simulation mode. Database save will be disabled. File load will be enabled. "New Child" menu option on object RMB will be enabled to create new scheduling objects.


Maintenance Planning Board
Maintenance Planning Board for Planning Network

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Planning Board Client  


  1. Go to File/Set Application Run Mode menu option of MPB which is running in Scheduling mode.
  2. Select Switch to Simulation Mode