Load Work Orders, PM Action Occurrences and Operational Plans


This activity is used to load selected or all work orders and PM action occurrences available on a site to the Maintenance Planning Board. The Work Orders/PMs are loaded from the database so that they can be scheduled considering resource constraints and rules. This can be done when the Maintenance Planning Board is first started and also while it is in use.

Loading of Operational Plans to the Maintenance Planning Board is also done through this activity. By loading Operational Plans it is possible to schedule work orders and PM action occurrences considering, not only resource constrains and scheduling rules, but also availability of equipment and equipment objects (when they are not being used in operations).


System Effects


Maintenance Planning Board
Maintenance Planning Board for Planning Network

Related Window Descriptions

Load Work Orders and Preventive Maintenance


To load work orders, PM action occurrences, and operational plans when the Maintenance Planning Board has been launched:

  1. In the Main tab of the IFS Maintenance Planning Board load-dialog that appears, you may specify the required criteria by performing one or more of the following steps.
  1. In the Additional tab of the IFS Maintenance Planning Board load-dialog that appears, you may specify additional criteria by following one or more of the following steps.
  1. In the Activity Types To Include tab of the IFS Maintenance Planning Board load-dialog that appears, you may select what types of activities that should be loaded.  Stand Alone Work Orders and Work Order Structures are checked as default.

NOTE: Operational Plans that are required to determine the object availability for maintenance will be loaded irrespective of the fact that you have selected All Active Operational Plans for Site/Network check box or not. This happens when the Maintenance Planning Board loads orders where the work task or PM action which  is connected to equipment objects which in turn is connected to an active operational plan. These operational plans are needed for determining Object Accessibility Since Object Accessibility is required when creating a realistic maintenance schedule. This means that the Maintenance Planning Board loads these Active Operational Plans even if the check box is unchecked.

  1. In the SQL tab of the IFS Maintenance Planning Board window that appears, you may enter SQL queries as filter criteria.