Create/Modify Maintenance Resource Breaks


This activity is used to create or modify a resource break. Resource breaks represents tools or persons unavailability due to certain practical reasons like absence from work or some maintenance work on tools itself. When work orders or PM action occurrences are scheduled using Maintenance Planning Board (MPB), the MPB will schedule them (work orders and PM action occurrences) considering resource breaks that are in Scheduled  state.


This activity requires the existence of a site to which you can connect the resource break. Furthermore, you must have defined the resource to which the resource break applies.

System Effects


Maintenance Resource Break
Maintenance Resource Breaks

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Resource Break 


  1. In the Maintenance Resource Break window, select New to create a new resource break. Alternatively, query for an existing one.
  2. For a new resource break, enter the break number in the Break No field, or let the system define one automatically.
  3. Enter or modify a description for the resource break in the Break Description field.
  4. For a new resource break, specify the site at which the resource break will be used in the Site field. Use the List of Values to select from available sites. The selected site may not be modified.
  5. Enter or modify the duration of the break in the Break Duration field. This value is defined in hours.
  6. Enter or modify the range in which the resource break may be scheduled in the Earliest Start and Latest Finish fields. The range must be large enough to accommodate the break duration.
  7. Perform one or more of these steps:
  8. Click Save to save the new or modified resource break. The status of the work resource break will be Proposed.
  9. A proposed work order resource break can be "Approved" or " Discarded" using appropriate menu options.
  10. In order for you to load this resource break and schedule within Maintenance Planning Board, you need to approve it. Select RMB menu option and select Approve. This will change the status of the work order resource break to Unscheduled. Unscheduled work order resource break can be Rejected also using appropriate menu option.
  11. A scheduled and saved back resource break can be "completed" using the menu option. Discarding, rejecting and Completing a work order resource break will make it no longer valid.