Copy from Shop Order Material

 [To MFG Standard


Use this dialog box to copy shop order material details of a specified shop order to an existing or new structure alternate. Open this dialog box by right-clicking in the header of the Product Structure tab in Product Structure window and the click Copy Shop Order to Alternate. In the Copy from Shop Order to Alternate dialog box use the list of value to select the shop order to copy material from. Default is the current product structure alternate suggested but if it is a requirement to create a new alternate the it also can be updated.

There are two check boxes; By-Product and By-Product Cost Distribution. These check boxes are selected by default and indicates that the by-products and by-products cost distribution are also copied from the shop order.

Note: All connected objects, Document text and Work Guidelines, are automatically copied.

Activity Diagrams

Complete product structures
Maintain structure


Copy from shop order material