Connect Repair Code to Repair Part


This activity is used to associate repair codes with the part to be repaired. You can associate the same repair code to several repair parts on different sites.

Repair codes represent generic definitions of repair activities used to perform or build up a repair. Repair codes must be associated with an inventory part before they can be used. Repair codes are also associated with the combination of service type and repair part. You shall also define a repair source for the combination repair code and part number, i.e. shall the repair be processed as an Internal- or External repair or both. There is also an option for external processing to define a default supplier and external service type.

The repair code is a way of grouping:


System Effects


Repair Setup Basic Data
Inventory Part

Related Window Descriptions

Repair Setup Basic Data/Repair Code Part
Repair Setup Basic Data
Inventory Part/Manufacturing MRO/Repair Codes
Inventory Part/Manufacturing MRO
Inventory Part


This activity can be performed in two different windows.

A) From the repair setup:

  1. Open the Repair Setup Basic Data window.
  2. Select the Repair Code Part tab.
  3. Select an existing repair code, or create a new record (F5). If you create a new record, then enter repair code, repair description and any note text. Save your record.
  4. Define a repair source for the combination repair code and part number. If external processing is selected it is optional to define default supplier and external service type.

Optionally you can add document text and/or note text on the repair code:

  1. If you want to add a document text to the newly created repair code, select the record, right-click and then click Document Text.
  2. The Document Texts for Repair Code opens.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter output type and any note text.
  5. Save your record (F12) and close the dialog box.
  1. Select the table part of the window, and create a new record (F5).
  2. Enter inventory part number, site, repair description for the part and any note text.
  3. Save your record.

Optionally you can add document text and/or note text on the combination of repair code and inventory part:

  1. If you want to add a document text on the combination of repair code and inventory part, select the record, right-click and then click Document Text.
  2. The Document Texts for Repair Code Part opens.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter output type and any note text.
  5. Save your record (F12) and close the dialog box.

B) From the inventory part record:

  1. Open the Inventory Part window.
  2. In the header, query the inventory part with which you wish to associate the repair code.
  3. Select the Manufacturing MRO tab.
  4. Select the Repair Codes sub tab.
  5. Specify an existing repair code.
  6. Define a repair source for the combination repair code and part number. If external processing is selected it is optional to define default supplier and external service type.
  7. Save the record (F12).

Optionally you can add document text and/or note text on the combination of repair code and inventory part:

  1. If you want to add a document text to the newly created repair code, select the record, right-click and then click Document Text.
  2. The Document Texts for Repair Code Part opens.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter output type and any note text.
  5. Save your record (F12) and close the dialog box.