Create Template from Sub Structure


This activity is used to create a new template structure by converting an existing structure branch of another template structure. Refer the following list to help you decide how your new template structure is to be created.

Furthermore, you should decide what kind of detailed data should be copied to the new template structure. When you create a new template from a structure branch the detailed data, i.e., position alternates, dependencies and functions, can be copied to the new template structure. If you decide not to copy you will have to manually enter this detailed data later for the new template structure.

If you choose to generate new structure positions for the new template structure you can, for instance, specify how the new structure positions should be created:

The different options can be combined to conform with the structure you require. Note: If details are not entered in the second step of the Create Template from Sub Structure assistant, structure positions are generated automatically starting with the value 100.


An existing structure branch that does not have have its own template must exist.

System Effects


Serial Structure Template
Template Structure Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Create Template from Sub Structure
Serial Structure Template/Consist Of
Serial Structure Template/Multilevel
Template Structure Navigator/Consist Of


  1. In the Consist Of or the Multilevel tab, query (F3) the template part that consist of the subpart you want to create the template for.
  2. Mark the part number you want to create the template for in the structure and click the menu option Create Template from Sub Structure.
  3. Select the Structure Status for the new template structure.
  4. Select the check box Control Configuration by New Template if the existing structure branch should use the new template to control the configuration.
  5. Select the check box Generate New Structure Positions if you do not want to keep the existing structure positions.
  6. Select the check box Allow Non Unique Catalog Numbers if non-unique catalog numbers are allowed for the new template structure.
  7. Select the check boxes Position Alternates, Dependencies and Functions if you want these data to be copied to the new template structure.
  8. If you decide to generate new structure positions for the new template structure, you may (it is optional) click the Next button to specify how the new structure positions should be created.
  9. Specify a Prefix and/or a Suffix to the new structure positions.
  10. Specify a start value for the structure positions in Start Position field.
  11. Specify a fixed length for the structure positions in Position Length field.