Change Prime Part


This activity is used to change the prime part of a structure position. When the prime part is changed, automatic changes will not be made to the dependencies of the structure position.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the prime part of a structure position is changed.


Serial Structure Template
Template Structure Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Template/Consist Of
Serial Structure Template/Alternates/Template Alternates
Serial Structure Template/Alternates/Position Alternates
Change Prime Part


Follow this procedure to change the prime part for a structure position:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window or the Template Structure Navigator window, and query (F3) for the necessary template.
  2. If you need to move down the structure, click the Consist Of tab, select the row that contains the part, right-click, and then click Next Level until the required serial part is displayed in the table.
  3. Select the row containing the required structure position, right-click, and then click Change Prime Part. The Change Prime Part dialog box opens.
  4. Enter the new prime part number in the Part No field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value. Note that template alternates defined on a higher level in the template structure are not visible in the List of Values, but you can still enter these template alternates manually into the dialog. Also note that only alternates that are interchangeable with the current prime part are displayed in the List of Values.
  5. Click OK.