Adjust and Verify Background Job For Remove Old Operational Events


This activity is used to remove old operational events and plans that are a given number of days older than the day they should have been performed.

You can also use this activity to adjust the execution time of the background job (For more information, refer the online help file: Using Background Jobs). by default at installation, the server process for removing old operational events/plans is set to execute every day at 8:00 PM. The value for indicating how old the events must be before deleting, is set in IFS/Application Services. By default, this value is set to 14 days. For more information, refer the online help file: Activity Verify/Adjust Default Object Properties.


Old operational events must exist.

System Effects

Operational events that are older than the value indicated in IFS/Application Services will be removed.


Configuration Basic Data
System Definitions

Related Window Descriptions

Configuration Basic Data/Object Property
System Definitions/Object Property


Follow this procedure to remove old operational events and plans:

  1. Open the Configuration Basic Data window or the System Definitions window.
  2. Click the Object Property tab.
  3. Query (F3) for Property Name OPER_EVENT_DELAY.
  4. In the Property Value field, enter the number of days that the events must be older than before they are removed. The default value is set to 14 days at installation.
  5. Save the record (F12).