View Shop Order Costs


This activity is used to analyze shop order costs. This ensures that the costs generated from the manufacturing process can be followed up and compared against the planned cost. When a shop order is created, the system automatically calculates the costs, based on the order-specific data.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system displays shop order costs for the part.


Shop Order Costs
Shop Orders Costs

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Order Cost
Shop Order Costs/Overview Unit Cost
Shop Order Costs/WIP Status
Shop Order Costs/Order Cost Estimates
Shop Order Costs/Estimate Details
Shop Order Costs/Costed Operations
Shop Order Costs/Standard Cost
Shop Order Costs/Actual Cost
Shop Order Costs/Actual Cost Details
Shop Order Costs/Cost Variance
Shop Order Costs/Order Details
Shop Order Costs/Project Cost Analysis
Shop Orders Costs


Using the Shop Order Costs window.

  1. Open the Shop Order Costs window.
  2. In the Order No field, search for the shop order for which you want to see the costs.
  3. Click the Overview Unit Cost tab to view the cost per unit of a specific part.
  4. Click the WIP Status tab to view the status of the work in process (WIP) account for the shop order.
  5. Click the Order Cost Estimates tab to view the order cost estimates associated with the shop order.
  6. Click the Estimate Details tab to view the order cost estimates associated with the shop order operation specified on component level.
  7. Click the Costed Operations tab to view the operations associated with a specific shop order.
  8. Click the Standard Cost tab to view the standard costs associated with the operations of a specified part or part family.
  9. Click the Actual Cost tab to view the actual costs associated with the operations of a specified shop order part.
  10. Click the Actual Cost Details tab to view actual costs on a more detailed level, costs are shown per transaction.
  11. Click the Cost Variance tab to view the variance of the different cost buckets from standard cost calculations, order cost estimates and the actual costs.
  12. Click the Order Details tab to view details related to the shop order, including information on structures and routing. You also can view where the demand for parts originates, either within the company or from an outside supplier.
  13. Click the Project Cost Analysis  tab to view details related to the project connected to the shop order. If the shop order has no project connection, this tab will not contain any information.

Using the Shop Orders Costs window.

  1. Open the Shop Orders Costs window.
  2. Search for the order number or populate the window and analyze the costs.