Enter Interruption Cause


This activity is used to enter an interruption cause used in the Shop Floor Workbench window



System Effects

The data entered here will be available when register interruption of operations in Shop Floor Workbench.


Interruption Causes

Related Window Descriptions

Interruption Causes


  1. Open the Interruption Causes window and create a new line and enter the site it should be valid on.
  2. Enter a numerical identifier for the interruption cause in the Interruption Cause field and a description in the Interruption Description field.
  3. Choose to which category the interruption cause belongs in the Interruption Cause Category field and save the record.
  4. Optionally connect the interruption cause to a park reason in the Park Reason field. If a value here is entered here, the Park Shop Order dialog box will be automatically triggered with the entered park reason pre-filled when an operation is stopped with this interruption cause.
  5. Optionally connect the interruption cause to a downtime cause in the Downtime Cause field. If a value is entered here, a machine downtime clocking will be automatically started with this downtime cause for the work center resource performing the operation when it is stopped with this interruption cause.
  6. Optionally connect the interruption cause to an indirect job in the Indirect Job field. If a value is entered here, an indirect labor clocking with will be automatically started with this indirect job ID for each employee performing the operation when it is stopped with this interruption cause.

    Note: When the interruption cause no longer should be used, you can set the status can be set to Blocked or Hidden using the right mouse button option.