Generate Handling Units from Packing Instruction


Use this activity to create a structure of handling units as defined in a packing instruction and connect them to a shop order. The number of handling units on the lowest level in the packing instruction will be generated based on the max capacity defined for the part.

A handling unit is a device that can be handled physically and may carry/contain other handling units or items in a structure. The handling unit structure can be created both directly under the shop order node, or on a level below an already existing handling unit. When receiving the shop order, the finished products is attached and received to stock using the created handling units.


At least one packing instruction with a max capacity defined for the lowest level handling unit and the part manufactured on the shop order must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity handling unit(s) will be generated according to the selected packing instruction(s) and connected to the shop order. The number of handling units on the lowest level in the packing instruction will be generated considering the max capacity defined for the part and the quantity entered in the dialog box.

The Qty to Attach will be set equal to the max capacity except for the last generated handling unit which may receive a lower value in order to make the sum of quantity to attach equal to the quantity for which handling units was generated.


Shop Order
Shop Floor Workbench

Related Window Descriptions

Generate Handling Units from Packing Instruction(s)
Shop Order/Handling Unit Structure
Shop Floor Workbench/Handling Unit Structure


  1. Open the Shop Order or Shop Floor Workbench window and search for the order you want to add handling unit(s) to.
  2. Open the Handling Unit Structure tab, right-click on the node under which you want the handling unit(s) to be added, and then click Generate Handling Units from Packing Instruction(s). The Generate Handling Units from Packing Instruction(s) dialog box will appear.
  3. If the shop order has a default packing instruction entered in the Shop Order/Misc Order Info tab, a row is automatically created for this packing instruction, otherwise click New, to create a new row.
  4. Enter the quantity for which you want handling units to be created in the Generate for Quantity field.
  5. Enter the packing instruction, or select a value from the List of Values in the Packing Instruction ID field.
  6. Click OK.
  7. If required, adjust the Qty to Attach value for the handling unit(s) generated on the lowest level to reflect the quantity of the manufactured part you intent to pack into each handling unit.