Enter Shop Floor Employee


This activity is used to set up an existing employee as a shop floor employee. Employees defined here are used for planning purposes as well as for reporting operational and indirect time. A person can also be seen as a resource in other areas than manufacturing, such as project planning and maintenance.

When calculating operation hours, the priority of calculating the operation hours should be as follows:

  1. Based on the calendar settings defined in the Manufacturing Labor Class/Person tab.
  2. If calendar is not defined, when IFS/Human Resources is installed, refer the employee's work schedules defined in the Employee Schedules and Rules window.
  3. If employee’s schedule is day type independent or
    If IFS/Human Resources is not installed, and no valid schedule exists for the employee;
    then use the labor class calendar defined in the Manufacturing Labor Class window.


System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Shop Floor Employees

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Floor Employees
Manufacturing Labor Class
Manufacturing Labor Class/Person
Shop Floor Employees per Site


  1. Open the Shop Floor Employees window.
  2. Create a new line.
  3. In the Employee ID field, select a value from the list of values.
  4. If desired, fill in information in the Time Idle and Note fields.
  5. In the Resume Option field, select a suitable value from the list. (When an employee reports in, the system resumes operations according to the value selected in Resume Option field. Only the last stopped operation will be considered. The last operation should also have the Auto Stopped check box selected).
  6.  If you want the employee to be allowed to report time for other employees, select the Handle Time for Others check box.
  7. If you want the employee to be allowed to enter and report from Shop Floor Workbench window, select the Workbench User check box.
  8. Click Save (F12).
  9. For each site that the employee shall be able to report on, create a new line in the lower part of the window.
  10. If desired, fill in information in the Filter ID, Indirect Job for Diff and Default Team fields.
  11. If the employee is able to report on several sites, right-click then click Set Primary Site for the site that is to be used as primary.
  12. Enter a value in the Primary Labor Class field.
  13. Click Save (F12). If the person connected to the employee is not a resource in the primary labor class, you will be given the option to do add him/her to the labor class.