Use this activity to schedule an Unscheduled resource break. The status of the break changes to Scheduled. A Scheduled break is taken into account when orders are scheduled using Constraint Based Scheduling (CBS), not when using the Shop Order Infinite Scheduler. In the case of Advanced Planning Board (APB) sites, you can only schedule resource breaks through the APB and not the Resource Break window.
As a result of this activity the state of the resource break changes to Scheduled. However, before it makes this change, the system checks to see if the break overlaps with any operations or breaks which are in Released state. If it does, an error message appears and the activity is canceled. If the break does not overlap with any operations or breaks which are in Released state, then all operations that are simultaneous with and downstream from the start of the break are rescheduled.
Resource Break
Advanced Planning Board
Resource Break
Resource Breaks
Advanced Planning Board
Scheduling a resource break using the Resource Break window:
Scheduling a resource break using the Advanced Planning Board: