Attach Parts to Handling Units for Shop Order Receipt


Use this activity to attach the parts to be received into handling units. The parts to be received will be automatically matched to a handling unit on the lowest level in the structure respecting the quantity to attach defined for the part if such exists. If required, you can manually move parts between the handlings unit to make sure it reflects how the finished goods have been physically packed.

The icons in the tree structure will indicate the quantity attached to the handling unit relative to the planned quantity to attach:

No quantity from this receipt has been attached to the handling unit or the handling units below it.
A quantity from this receipt has been attached to the handling unit and/or the handling units below it. However, the accumulated quantity attached is less than the accumulated planned quantity to attach.
The accumulated quantity attached for this handling unit and the handling units below, is equal to the accumulated planned quantity to attach.
The accumulated quantity attached for this handling unit and the handling units below, is higher than the accumulated planned quantity to attach.


To perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Receive Shop Order
Shop Floor Workbench
Register Arrivals

Related Window Descriptions

Attach Parts to Handling Units for Receipt
Move Qty to Handling Unit
Receive Shop Order
Shop Floor Workbench
Register Arrivals


From Receive Shop Order window:

  1. Search for the shop order you want to receive and pack.
  2. Select the Pack check box and enter the quantity to receive according to the normal receive procedure.
  3. Save the record and Attach Parts to Handling Units for Receipt dialog box will be automatically opened. The part records to be received have been automatically distributed to the handling units respecting their quantity to attach.
  4. Review how the system has distributed the parts to be received to the handling units by using the tree structure. If required, re-arrange the assignments either by using drag-and-drop directly in the structure, or by using the Move button. The Move Qty to Handling Unit dialog box will appear.
  5. Enter the quantity to move in the Qty to Move field. If the part is catch quantity handled, enter the catch quantity in the Catch Qty to Move field. Click OK.
  6. If you want serial shipping container code to be generated, select the Create SSCC(s) check box.
  7. If you want labels to be printed, select the Print Handling Unit Label(s) and/or the Print Handling Unit Contents Label(s) check boxes.
  8. Click OK.

From Shop Floor Workbench window:

  1. In Shop Floor Workbench window, select the last operation on the shop order on which you want to receive the completed parts, and click Approve Operation.
  2. In the Approve Operation dialog box, select the Pack check box and enter the quantity to receive according to the normal receive procedure.
  3. Click OK and the Attach Parts to Handling Units for Receipt dialog box will be automatically opened. The part records to be received have been automatically distributed to the handling units respecting their quantity to attach.
  4. Review how the system has distributed the parts to be received to the handling units by using the tree structure. If required, re-arrange the assignments either by using drag-and-drop directly in the structure, or by using the Move button. The Move Qty to Handling Unit dialog box will appear.
  5. Enter the quantity to move in the Qty to Move field. If the part is catch quantity handled, enter the catch quantity in the Catch Qty to Move field. Click OK
  6. If you want serial shipping container code to be generated, select the Create SSCC(s) check box.
  7. If you want labels to be printed, select the Print Handling Unit Label(s) and/or the Print Handling Unit Contents Label(s) check boxes.
  8. Click OK.

From Register Arrival window:

  1. In the Register Arrivals window, search for the relevant purchase order line.
  2. Select the purchase order line, right-click and then click Receive, the Receive dialog box appears
  3. Specify the quantity to receive and to inspect in the Qty to Receive and Qty to Inspect fields and click OK, the Receive Shop Orders on Arrival dialog box appears.
  4. Select the Pack check box.
  5. Click OK and the Attach Parts to Handling Units for Receipt dialog box will be automatically opened. The part records to be received have been automatically distributed to the handling units respecting their quantity to attach.
  6. Review how the system has distributed the parts to be received to the handling units by using the tree structure. If required, re-arrange the assignments either by using drag-and-drop directly in the structure, or by using the Move button. The Move Qty to Handling Unit dialog box will appear.
  7. Enter the quantity to move in the Qty to Move field. If the part is catch quantity handled, enter the catch quantity in the Catch Qty to Move field. Click OK
  8. If you want serial shipping container code to be generated, select the Create SSCC(s) check box.
  9. If you want labels to be printed, select the Print Handling Unit Label(s) and/or the Print Handling Unit Contents Label(s) check boxes.
  10. Click OK.


Using the Receive Serialized Parts and Receive Reserved Lots dialog boxes:

  1. Open the Shop Order, Shop Orders or Shop Floor Workbench window
  2. Select the shop order on which you want to receive the completed parts, right-click and point to Receive and then click Receive Reserved Lots or Receive Serial Parts.
  3. In the Receive Serialized Parts or Receive Reserved Lots dialog box, select the Pack check box and enter or select the quantity for the serials or lot/batches you want to receive.
  4. Click OK and the Attach Parts to Handling Units for Receipt dialog box will be automatically opened. The part records to be received have been automatically distributed to the handling units respecting their quantity to attach.
  5. Review how the system has distributed the parts to be received to the handling units by using the tree structure. If required, re-arrange the assignments either by using drag-and-drop directly in the structure, or by using the Move button. The Move Qty to Handling Unit dialog box will appear.
  6. Enter the quantity to move in the Qty to Move field. If the part is catch quantity handled, enter the catch quantity in the Catch Qty to Move field. Click OK
  7. If you wants serial shipping container code to be generated, select the Create SSCC(s) check box.
  8. If you want labels to be printed, select the Print Handling Unit Label(s) and/or the Print Handling Unit Contents Label(s) check boxes.
  9. Click OK.