Analyze Labor Availability Summary Chart


This activity is used to analyze the worst case labor availability on a high level for a labor class, work center, department or production line using a pie chart.

To populate the chart, click the magnifying glass and search either for relevant shop orders, or labor classes/time period depending on the page used. When searching for shop orders, chart will show the labor classes connected to any of the operations on those shop orders.

A pie segment represents either a labor class, work center, department or production line depending on the selected group by option and is assigned a load category based on below logic:

Load Category Labor Class Work Center Department Production Line
Not Loaded The labor class has capacity, but no workload. None of the labor classes required to perform work on the work center have any workload. None of the labor classes required to perform work on any work center connected to the department have any work load. None of the labor classes required to perform work on any work center connected to the production line have any work load.
Partially Loaded The labor class has workload less than its capacity for all days/weeks. All of the labor classes required to perform work on the work center have workload less than its capacity for all days/weeks. All of the labor classes required to perform work on any work center connected to the department have workload less than its capacity for all days/weeks. All of the labor classes required to perform work on any work center connected to the production line have workload less than its capacity for all days/weeks.
Fully Loaded The labor class has workload that equals its capacity on at least one day/week. At least one of the labor classes required to perform work on the work center has workload that equals its capacity on at least one day/week. At least one of the labor classes required to perform work on any work center connected to the department has workload that equals its capacity on at least one day/week. At least one of the labor classes required to perform work on any work center connected to the production line has workload that equals its capacity on at least one day/week.
Overloaded The labor class workload exceeds its capacity on at least one day/week. At least one of the labor classes required to perform work on the work center has workload that exceeds its capacity on at least one day/week. At least one of the labor classes required to perform work on any work center connected to the department has workload that exceeds its capacity on at least one day/week. At least one of the labor classes required to perform work on any work center connected to the production linehas workload that exceeds its capacity on at least one day/week.

The chart can be configured using below settings:

To limit the contents of this chart based on a selection made in another chart, open the settings dialog by clicking the gearwheel icon and select to filter from below chart:

This activity can be performed from IFS Aurena client only.


System Effects



Visual Shop Orders Planning

Visual Capacity Requirements Planning