Resource Breaks

Resource Breaks on Sites Using the Scheduling Server

A resource break is a period of time during which a resource is unavailable for normal production activities or maintenance activities. A resource could be a work center resource (machine), a person or a tool. After a resource break is created, the Constraint Based Scheduler (CBS) can schedule and account for it in its calculations of production time. Resource breaks can be created and scheduled to represent the unavailability of a machine, a tool or a person due to certain situations like planned or unplanned maintenance of machines, machine breakdowns, tool rework or repair, counting or auditing in the production floor where normal operations cannot be continued by certain resources, person planned or unplanned leave or they are unable to attend to production activities due to meetings and so on. It is the responsibility of the planner to create resource breaks representing unavailability properly and reasonably and schedule them wisely so that the production schedule that is ultimately created will be realistic and achievable.

A resource break can be one of two types: maintenance or manual. A maintenance break is automatically created by IFS Applications itself from information received from IFS/Maintenance. A manual break, by contrast, is entered by a planner against a specific resource. Any combination of work center resources, tools, and laborers can be associated with a resource break.

Both types of breaks can be moved in time in the Scheduling Server, but only a manual break can be moved after its end date range.

When a manual resource break is first entered, it has proposed status. After it is promoted to Unscheduled, it is transferred to the Scheduling Server. The resource break does not affect the shop schedule until it is given Scheduled status. It is possible to change a Scheduled resource break back to unscheduled status. It is also possible to change the status of a Proposed or a Scheduled break to Finished, causing it to be removed from the Scheduling Server.

Work order resource break is to indicate the unavailability of maintenance tools or persons. Work order resource breaks is used by Maintenance Planning Board when scheduling work orders and separate PM action occurrences. When there is a work order resource break scheduled on a tool or a person, the Maintenance Planning Board scheduling logic will not use that tool or person for the specified time in the work order resource break.

Resource Breaks on Non-CBS Sites or Sites Using the Advanced Planning Board (APB)

Resource breaks on sites that use the APB for scheduling work in a similar manner to resource breaks on sites that use the Scheduling Server. The main difference is the nonexistence of a Scheduling Server into which the breaks can be passed.

When you set up a site to use the APB and load shop orders to it, all resource breaks on the site that are in the Unscheduled or Scheduled status are also loaded.

A resource break can be created via the APB as well, whereas for sites that use the Scheduling Server you can only create them using the Resource Break window. The break can be saved back to the database once it is scheduled and the connected resources will be unavailable for operation scheduling.

A manual resource break which was created using the Resource Break window can be loaded to the APB once it is set to the Unscheduled status. Initially it will be in the Assigned status in the APB, where it can be scheduled and saved back to the database. It then is set to the Scheduled status.

Note: The Shop Order Infinite Scheduler does not consider resource breaks during scheduling.


Work Order Resource Breaks

A Work order resource is the indication for Maintenance Planning Board that certain employees or tools are not available for scheduling due to various reasons. Tools could be unavailable due to calibration, service or any regular or accidental service required. Another reason could be that they are out of service or broken. For Employees, sudden absence from work or unavailability to perform work order or PM action occurrence activities due to other assignments could be reasons for creating a work order resource break.

When you set up a site to use the Maintenance Planning Board (MPB) and load work orders and/or separate PM action occurrences to it, all work resource breaks on the site that are in Unscheduled or Scheduled state are also loaded.

A work resource break can be created via IFS Enterprise Explorer Work Order Resource Break window or in the Maintenance Planning Board itself. The break can be saved back to the database from Maintenance Planning Board once it is scheduled.

A manual work order resource break which was created using the Resource Break window can be loaded to the Maintenance Planning Board once it attains Unscheduled status. Initially it will be in Assigned state in the Maintenance Planning Board, where it can be scheduled and saved back to the database. It then reaches the Scheduled state.

A work order resource break will book the time on tool or employee as un available for scheduling within Maintenance Planning Board. This means that during the time where the employee or tool is scheduled as a resource break, the other work order or PM action occurrence operations will not be scheduled.